Koszalin, 11 June anno Domini 2021
Koszalin, 22 April anno Domini 2021
Installing version: Apollo (2585 KB).
The program Apollo is a graphic programming environment of the Pascal language in an
object-based version designed to create programs in Windows system.
In order to run Apollo you need to install the 32-bit FPC (Free Pascal Compiler) in the
3.2.2 version, ideally from: FPC.
Installing the 64-bit version of FPC is not a good idea, because Apollo does not support
this software. This applies also to the mixed 32/64-bit version, as the installer of that version will by
default dump the 64-bit FPC into our 64-bit system.
The program Apollo is in a Super Beta version – that is, in an stable version, but one
ready to work on condition of unlimited patience on the part of the user in the event of unexpected exceptions
arising as a result of unintended errors in the program Apollo.
In order to use the program Apollo the user must accept the conditions of the licence agreement laid down in
the installer of the program Apollo and in the program Apollo itself.
The hardware requirements are modest, as Apollo fires up even on one-core processors,
while at work it seldom needs more than 100 MB RAM; together with the programs samples, it takes up
approximately 12 MB on the hard drive.
The system requirements are more modest still, as Apollo works on systems from Windows XP upwards.

Any matter-of-fact comments resulting from creative work on the program Apollo will be welcome..
Wishing you every success at work on the program Apollo,
God bless,
Andrzej Marek Hendzel